
Brucy’s hair loss


Brucy’s hair loss

Cat experts, I need your advice! Last weekend, I noticed that Brucy is losing hair. She is only losing hair between her eyes and ears but the loss is quite significant. There are no red spots, no irritation, no marks.. Due to hair loss, you can now see her brown pigmentation spots but that’s normal, right?

I checked her ears and it doesn’t seem like she has ear mites. She doesn’t “excessively groom” herself (that could cause hairloss) and we haven’t changed her food recently. She acts normally but you can distinctly tell that she is losing fur! She is only 2.5 years old, so it’s a bit early to be losing hair because of age.

We will see the vet this weekend but meanwhile, maybe someone has advice? She hasn’t been stressed recently so I really have no clue what is happening!