Month: January 2014

Don’t miss the L.A.-CAT event of the year!


If you live anywhere close to Los Angeles you simply can’t miss the Cat Art Show L.A.  It’s an amazing art show that presents the most original works of art that all feature cats. Organised for the first time, you will be able to see over 100 art works in different media by a huge variety of artists. Sounds like a puuurrrr-fect show, doesn’t it?

The Cat Art Show takes place from 26 Jan. until the 2 Feb.

Artists participating include: Tracey Emin, Ray Caesar, FAILE, CYRCLE, Gary Baseman, Marc Dennis, Tim Biskup, Anita Kunz, Luke Chueh, Sage Vaughn, Christian Furr, Steve Schapiro, Shepard Fairey and Frank Stefanko. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Stray Cat Alliance.

Check out their fun facebook page for examples of some works you can see at the show!

PS Big thanks to @Vikysia for the tip 🙂

Wooo hoo – Valentine’s day is coming up!!


Brucy and I have started thinking about Valentine’s day that is coming up, and we are the few that actually love this day!

So I asked Brucy to give me some ideas on what I should ask for on this day (as I fully trust Brucy’s fashion opinion). We decided to have a look at ModCloth, as they have a fun Valentine’s day selection.

Some of her favourites included (from left to right):

Cute Polaroid Love Notecards at $14.99

A gorgeous heart-shaped belt at $14.99

A very UK-chic Cambridge Satchel at $164.99

Beautiful heels at $74.99

Fun, heart-shaped necklace (for your bff) at $36.99

Stunning navy-blue loafers for “me & you” at $39.99

Great selection of gifts for your loved ones (or presents that you can ask for;))

My dream house if I ever win a lottery!


Have you heard about Goldtatze? He is a German designer who completely remodelled his house, turning it into a cat heaven! How amazing does this look? Check out his website for more amazing photos!



Boxes vs plastic cases


So we all know how much cats love boxes – whatever the size and shape, boxes are a cat’s favourite toy.

But yesterday, Brucy discovered a new obsession – a plastic case from a blanket! She spent hours sleeping in it (one side of it open, so she can breathe), playing and keeping an eye on what’s happening.

I found it rather unusual, because cats love boxes for the sense of security, as they think that no one can see them. So what attracted Brucy to this plastic case?? Do you think she still sees it as a hiding place? Any ideas?


Time to go on a diet??


In my opinion, Brucy started to get a bit chubby recently. Yes, I know it’s winter and we all stock up fat because its cold, and yes, I know that since she is getting older (and lazier), she runs around less so gaining weight is normal, but still!

So now Brucy is 2 years old and she weights 3.6kg or 8 pounds. What makes it difficult t know whether your cat is right weight is the fact that the ideal weight of the cat varies according its type:

For example a domestic cat should weights between 8-10 lbs when a Persian weighting 12 lbs, is considered fit as well. This useful website has a few tricks that allow you to check whether you cat is is overweight or not:

  1. Can you feel your cat’s ribs? You should be able to feel each rib distinctly with just a little fat covering beneath the skin.If you cannot feel his ribs at all, your cat is obese.
  2. When you look at your cat from above, can you see his waist? A cat’s waistline should go inwards. If your cat does not have a distinct waist or if it protrudes outwards, it is likely that your cat is overweight.
  3. Check the bony areas of your cat’s body. You should be able to feel the bones of the spine, shoulders, hips and base of the tail. There will be a slight fat covering, but the bones should feel prominent.
  4. When you view your cat from the side, does it have an abdominal tuck? Is the diameter of the cat’s waist smaller than its ribcage? If so, your cat is within a healthy weight range. If the waist is the same size or larger than the ribcage, your cat is likely to be carrying extra weight.

I can still feel Brucy’s bones and ribs, but only just.. Maybe we’ll introduce some extra running games, because I don’t think cutting food will work with her!

Check out this great infographic with some fun facts about cat weight!



Cats are best building buddies!


Following a very exciting trip to IKEA this weekend (you can’t NOT love IKEA!) we had some building to do and obviously Brucy was there to help! I think the absolute best part of IKEA is that it is fun for everyone – especially cats and they get SO much cardboard and boxes to play in after!

Sadly, Brucy’s asthma seems to be getting worse and she often wakes up coughing – the poor thing.. The vet suggested giving her a shot with a high level of steroids, but I think it might be a bit too much for her liver at her young age.. What’s your opinion? Have you given your cat medications at an early age?

Is teaching your cat to use the toilet a good idea?


I have a lot of my friends who have decided to teach their cats to use the human toilet. Yes, I understand that cat litter can smell, can go everywhere in the house and does cost a bit.

But teaching your cat to use the toilet? Is this really possibly and is it ok for the cat??

Some websites provide a lot of guidance on the subject, like this wiki, and I won’t lie – it all looks smooth and easy.  The idea is to move the litter box as close as possible to the seat and then replace the litter box with a “training box” on the toilet seat. I like the list of warning they include in the end, such as:

  • “Don’t force your cat, or it won’t learn.
  • Never ever EVER push your cat into the toilet because he or she will hate you!
  • Always, always, always wait until the cat is comfortable with a setup before changing it. Go slow. If you rush the cat, this will not work, and you are more likely to have accidents. Don’t ever try to force a cat to do anything that it does not want to do. For example, you should never have to pick up the cat and put it in the litter box or on the “training box”. If you must show or force a cat to do something, you’ve moved too quickly from one stage to the next. Go back to square one.” 

My friends who try to teach their cat also add that their cat didn’t appreciate the change and now goes to the toilet everywhere in the house.. So is it worth it? Have you tried teaching your cat this? I am a bit too scared to try and not sure it’s worth it! Your thoughts?

Cat-Book List & Giveaway Coming Soon!


I’ve done so many cat-fashion, home décor, cat-inspired beauty tips posts but I’ve never done one on cat-themed books! So this week, I felt inspired to give you guys my selection of top 4 cat books! All of them are just filled with cuteness and are a perfect way to fight those January-post-cavation-blues!

Here are my favourites:

And the best part is that the book that wins the poll will be in my first ever giveaway! Yes, that’s right – you pick the book you want to win! So vote for your favourite book and stay tuned for the giveaway coming up soon (open to all residents, everywhere)!!!

Back to work and New Year resolutions!


It’s January 2nd and that means back to work! The holidays were great but it’s time to get back to the office and to start the New Year resolutions! In 2014 I will try to be less grumpy, eat healthy and lose weight.. and obviously cuddle Brucy more!

What are your 2014 resolutions?

Happy New Year & Thank you Caren & Cody!!


Happy New Year to all of you!! Sorry for being so quiet the last week, I was in Latvia and my little furry munchkin was left behind. But now we are reunited and ready for a new year full of cat-posts!

2014 started off incredibly with an amazing present from Caren & Cody! I don’t know if you remember, but a few months ago we won the Simon’s Cat competition that Cody organised and we got the book! Needless to say that Brucy loves and adores it! Thank you Caren & Cody for such a sweet card and Happy New Year to all of you!!