Month: May 2014

‘Real’ men eat quiche! Or at least have cats


A little Friday treat for all you cat-lovers out there – a blog that collects photos of “hot” (sometimes) guys with cats. The men are not always amazing, but the cats are always beyond cute! Good news – you can easily submit photos, so if you have photos of yourself (if you are a man-cat-lover) or of your other half, send it in!!

So visit HOT GUYS WITH CATS, or like the website says “These photos prove ‘real’ men eat quiche! Or at least have cats.”

Tuesday Brucy-news!


I feel like I haven’t been giving you enough of Brucy-news so here a few stunning photos of my fur ball! She is doing great and haven’t been coughing recently as the pollution is currently lower in Paris. She continues to be naughty, trying to bite into my feet every time I stand up, but I am used to her silliness.

We are looking for cat toy ideas! It feels like she has everything – balls, mice, tunnels, cat senses, claw sharpeners and yet she doesn’t play that much with those. Any suggestions for great toys would be appreciated!



Cats of the New York City!


And we are back from New York! Terribly jet-lacked, with bags full of chocolate and shopping, and dying to see little Brucy who stayed with friends, yesterday we got back to Paris from our US holiday.

Needless to say that we found NY amazing. We were lucky to stay in East Village, next to Parsons Design Schoo and NYU – an area full of students, small, unique coffee shops, that reminded me a lot of London. We also visited the Times Square, Brooklyn, Greenwich, Soho and Chelsea – all amazing parts of Manhattan, each unique in its own way. In every part of New York we came across many cat references – in t-shirts, graffitis, books and art plays and here are a few in these photos!

Brucy was delighted to see us and get back home – I never heard her purr so much! So in summary, these very really purrrfect holidays!



Brucy is getting old!


I know that many of your have been following Brucy’s hair loss story. As I said, this weekend, we went to the vet to find out why she has been significantly losing hair in the area between her eyes and ears. The vet checked her fur, skin, ears and you will never guess what her conclusion was! Almost immediately the vet said that Brucy is losing hair because of her age! She said that although hair loss can be a dangerous sign, when cats lose hair between their ears and eyes and there is no skin irritation (Brucy’s case), this is most certainly just a genetic, aging thing!

As you know Brucy is only 2.5 years old, so I was surprised to hear this.. but this is better than some scary diagnoses I read about online! The vet suggested giving her some vitamins but she said that they, like in humans, do not guarantee that any will change. So, I just got some anti-ticks treatments for her (just in case) and some more cortisone for her asthma.

So all is good and thank you for your support!!