Neko Chigura – the Japanese rice straw cat basket!


Next thing on my shopping list for Brucy is definitely a Neko Chigura! Neko Chigura or Neko Tsugura is a car bed/cradle hand-made in Japan out of rice straw. It is a whole folk craft popular in a town Sekikawa, Niigata and the weavers are called neko chigura kai (the cat cradle committee). In this area, there was a custom of using rice straw to make baskets for babies and then they thought of trying to weave cat baskets as well! Interestingly enough, the baskets become the town’s main source of profit during the winter months, when they stop selling rice.

The baskets quickly became a massive success for their original design (pot-shape) and natural materials. The cats love the baskets as they keep warmth well and are nice to dig claws in. The baskets are available in different size starting from US $60.

Each cradle takes around a week of work but there is currently a one year waiting list to get a cradle! So, if you are looking for a perfect Christmas present for your cat for next year – order now!

Neko Chigura order webiste :

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