
‘Real’ men eat quiche! Or at least have cats


A little Friday treat for all you cat-lovers out there – a blog that collects photos of “hot” (sometimes) guys with cats. The men are not always amazing, but the cats are always beyond cute! Good news – you can easily submit photos, so if you have photos of yourself (if you are a man-cat-lover) or of your other half, send it in!!

So visit HOT GUYS WITH CATS, or like the website says “These photos prove ‘real’ men eat quiche! Or at least have cats.”

We got a Liebster Award! And we nominate others..


I would like to thank Kalesija Blog for nominating me for the The Liebster Award. To be perfectly honest, I have not heard about this award but it sounds fun so I accepted! Now, Brucy and I had to answer the following 11 questions:

1) What are your favourite herbs to cook with?

I use spring onion a LOT; I am a big fan of adding it everywhere – from salads to soup! And Brucy loves it when I grow basil – she eats half of it!

2) What food do you absolutely refuse to eat?

Beetroot and marmite

3) What are your favourite kitchen appliances?

I love my hand mixer – it is quite a basic mixer, nothing fancy, but I use it nearly always when I bake.

4) If you won $10,000 on the Food Network show, “Chopped”, what would you do with it?

I would probably move to a Paris apartment that has a bigger kitchen – at the moment, my kitchen is very tiny, which makes cooking a bit of a challenge!

5) If you could choose one country, whose food you like cooking the most, which country would it be?

It’s a tough call, because I change my cooking inspirations too often. I think I would go somewhere is Asia, to learn more about the spices.. Maybe not China, as I’d be afraid for Brucy!

6) If someone said to you, “For your birthday, I’m going to import any food from anywhere in the world for you, and money is no object”, what would it be?

Truffles! I love black truffles but the prices can be quite extravagant.. So if “money is no object” I would definitely benefit from this 😉

7) What is the most you would spend for a cookbook (new)?

There is no limit 😉 I love cookbooks with beautiful photos and recipes that cost my monthly rent to make!

8) Do you follow a recipe exactly, or take some ‘artistic license’, even if making it for the first time?

In baking, I follow the recipe to the dot. In cooking, I improvise a lot! I add my favorite ingredients, I always add extra spices.. so yes to “artistic license”!

9) Have you ever made your own cheese and if so, what kind? Would you like to make your own cheese, if you haven’t already tried it?

I have never made my own cheese, but I bake my own bread 🙂

10) Do you keep a stocked pantry (if you have some space), or do you just buy what you need for the next few meals? (canned goods, dried pasta, etc.)

As my Parisian kitchen is tiny, I don’t have an huge stock, but I have a lot of baking things – around 10 different cake shapes, cupcake kits, cookies cutters etc..

11) What would your ‘dream’ kitchen be like?

I used to work a bit on a professional cooking and I know what a Michelin star kitchen looks like: with huge ovens, freezers, tables, loads of space and equipment. Well, I would like just that please 🙂

11 fun facts about Brucy and myself are:

  • Brucy understands only English and refuses to understand French
  • I have a pet peeve of people folding paper with their finger tips
  • Brucy’s favourite foods are canned peas and carrots
  • Around the house I normally wear a huge pink onesie
  •  Brucy loves watching football matches on a large video projector screen
  • I have seen all episodes of House MD and am confident that it qualifies me to diagnose and perform surgery
  • Brucy loves drinking out a glass (by putting her paw in it)
  • I have a weird habit of adding the ras-el-hanout spice to all foods I make, including desserts
  • Despite being a huge meat fan, Brucy refuses to eat salami
  • I have subscribed all my work colleagues to my blog, with their work emails
  • In human years, Brucy is now the same age as me

Wow that was long!!

So in return, I would like to nominate the following blogs for the The Liebster Award:

If they accept, they would need to answer the following questions:

1)      Cats are way cooler than dogs, do you agree?

2)     Would you ever get a ferret?

3)     A spider?

4)     If you could be any animal in your future life, who would you be?

5)     What’s your pet’s favourite food?

6)     What do you think about dressing up your pet for Halloween?

7)     Did you have a pet when you were growing up?

8)     If you would one day get a chance to write a book – what would it be about?

9)     Favorite film with a cat?

10)  Name your top 3 blogs that you follow?

11)   What do you use more Facebook or Twitter?

And don’t forget to also give us 11 random facts about yourself!

More info on the award can be found here!


ImageThis will be the first blog post dedicated to the life of cat called Brucy, a unique cat born and raised in Paris, France.

One thing you need to know about Brucy is that she is completely and utterly mad. If she is not running around like crazy, jumping on walls, she is probably busy destroying books, plants or finishing any food you accidently left lying around.

Brucy was born on November 17, 2011, in Paris, France and joined my family at a humble age of 3 months. We hesitated with the name. It was a tough call between “Trouble” and “Sausage”. Finally, as my boyfriend (at the time) is a mad fan of Bruce Springsteen, he made the call, naming our new family member Brucy (“Bruce” with a feminine touch ;)). Ever since, Brucy and I have moved several apartments, travelled a bit, accumulated more cat toys but still settled down in Paris.

I decided to start this blog for a few reasons :

– To share with you tips and tricks I have learned about cats while living with Brucy

– To share with you our opinions on cat products (as I am a marketing victim, I buy ALL news products that come out for cats)

– And just to complain about all the naughty things Brucy does (destroys, eats, scratches etc..).

So hopefully you will enjoy our Paris cat blog and feel free to introduce yourself too!