
Brucy is getting old!


I know that many of your have been following Brucy’s hair loss story. As I said, this weekend, we went to the vet to find out why she has been significantly losing hair in the area between her eyes and ears. The vet checked her fur, skin, ears and you will never guess what her conclusion was! Almost immediately the vet said that Brucy is losing hair because of her age! She said that although hair loss can be a dangerous sign, when cats lose hair between their ears and eyes and there is no skin irritation (Brucy’s case), this is most certainly just a genetic, aging thing!

As you know Brucy is only 2.5 years old, so I was surprised to hear this.. but this is better than some scary diagnoses I read about online! The vet suggested giving her some vitamins but she said that they, like in humans, do not guarantee that any will change. So, I just got some anti-ticks treatments for her (just in case) and some more cortisone for her asthma.

So all is good and thank you for your support!!

Cutting cat’s nails – mission impossible?


I was looking towards last weekend for a very long time. And no, it has nothing to do with sport events – it was Brucy’s yearly vaccine day!

And what’s so exciting about this vet’s visit, you may ask?

I love taking Brucy to the vet because the vet cuts her claws. Let me explain – Brucy is a lovely, adorable cat, but despite the numerous scratching posts that fill up our apartment, she has scalpel-like claws. Cutting them, I am afraid to admit, is mission impossible. Even when three people try holding her, the moment I take out the scissors, Brucy turns into a screaming and biting wild animal that doesn’t calm down until she gets away.

So this Saturday, I took Brucy to the vet, looking forward to the manicure. Small note: last time Brucy went to a vet (a different one), she bit the vet’s finger and the vet started bleeding, so we had to stop. This time, following my warning, the vet and her assistant prepared for the cutting. But the second Brucy saw the scissors – she bit into the vet’s hand and it became clear that the manicure will not happen.

The vet said that maybe once Brucy got hurt when we were cutting her claws and that is why now she hates it..

Do you manage to cut your cats claws?? If so, share your secret!!

Staying positive no matter what


I don’t know if you have been following the whole story about Brucy having asthma.. but in summary, a few weeks ago, she was diagnosed with asthma and we started medication. It seemed to be helping, but then she had another attack and then yesterday, she had another asthma attack. It is probably linked to air pollution, as at the moment, the pollution is exceptionally high in Paris. So, we are scheduled for a lung X-ray on Monday, to check what is going on.. This is all very worrying for me, as she is still so young and it’s horrible to see her struggle breathing. But no matter what, we stay positive and we are sure everything will be alright! We will keep you updated!