The Catastic MoMA selection

moma, art, cat, new york

I am very excited to be going to New York next month for the first time and one of my must-see-places is the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). I was browsing through their website, looking to reserve tickets, when I came across their amazing online art-inspired store. Being the shopaholic I am, I couldn’t not share some amazing cat things!

For example,  I love this stunning Cat Luggage Tag designed based on a Michael Hartfelder 2010 print for only $8.00. And how beautiful is this red-and-orange, fluid birds mobile designed by C. Saddle and K. Komagata? I think its vivid colours would make it a great addition to any room.  Finally, let’s not forget about our furry friends – this designer fish-pet-mat is just what your cat needs!

Amazing, just another reason to go 🙂

Happy Easter from Brucy!

easter cat eggs

You may be wondering why you haven’t had any Brucy-news recently.. Well, as always, I have tones of work, so sadly, I have less time to give you daily news on Brucy’s adventures!

This weekend we celebrated Easter. Brucy spent most of her time chilling on the sun and occasionally trying to steal and eat Easter cakes. On Sunday, she decided to knock over a full cup of coffee on my bed and mattress – so Easter started off well!

Hope you all are well and also enjoyed the Easter weekend!

2048 – the cat version!


If you haven’t heard about the game 2048, you’ve been living on another planet. This web browser-game was created by Gabriele Cirulli and in just a few weeks became the ultimate world-wide on-line obsession. The idea is simple: you are given a 4 x 4 grid and you are required to move sequence of multiples of 2 around. When two same numbers touch – they add together. The goal is to reach a single tile with the value of 2,048. (Sounds simple, but I didn’t sleep for 2 days before I reached 2048!)

The original game is only browser-based but the application copy released by Ketchapp has been the top application of the last month!

This game is terribly addictive but for all cat lovers I suggest trying the cat version of 2048 available here.


Charenza – shoes for cats


I am sure you’ve heard about Sarenza, the online shoe shop? Well for April Fools they launched the CUTEST website “Charenza” (word-play, as “Chat” means “Cat” in French), branded as the website that sells shoes for cats!! They even have different shoe categories – like shoes for kittens!

Sadly, this is only an April Fools joke but otherwise it would have been so cute!!

Brucy and her shoe-addiction


It’s been a craaazy long time since I published a blog post! Sorry everyone, but I just have a manic time at work at the moment but I promise to find time to give you news on little Brucy! She has been behaving well recently – she stopped waiting for me behind each corner and then jumping on my feet, she doesn’t wake me up t 5am and she stopped eating everything she finds! Brucy’s new passion at the moment is shoes! Every time she sees a pair of shoes, she starts sticking her head in them and rolling around – it’s really cute!

Brucy is also coughing less at the moment, despite the pollution being extremely high in Paris. This weekend, we will be going away for the weekend and will be taking brucy with us – so adventure, here we come!

And because it’s Monday and we need some motivation, here are some cute kitten gifs!

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“Cats have satellite transmitters in their butts” claims #Buzzfeed!


I am massive fan of Buzzfeed, mostly because they love doing posts on cats, like this new one on: 15 Shocking Truths Behind What Your Cat Behaviours Actually Mean!

The idea is that if you think your cat is innocently rolling on its back or napping, it is actually plotting some evil plan to either scrath, bite or kill you!

Some hilarious examples include:


“Experts” say: Tail sniffing is normal between felines, and this is your cat’s way of saying hello to you.

The truth: Your cat just cleaned its butt and wants to show it off to you. Look at that sparkling clean butt and say, “Very nice butt, cat. Good job.”


“Experts” say: As kittens, cats will knead their mother’s stomach to produce milk, and this is most likely a leftover trait from kittenhood. It might also be an instinctual part of settling down to sleep.
The truth: Your cat saw an ad for baking classes in the local paper and wants to enroll. Write a check for $350 immediately.

More amazing facts here!


Amazing cat bed from the Oregon Cat project


The Oregon Cat Project, organisation that aims to eliminate euthanasia of homeless cats, posted this photo of a cat bed. I love it (not only because the cat looks like Brucy but also because the cats look so comfortable in it!!! They didn’t post where the bed can be bought so if you’ve seen it anywhere- let me know!!

Adorable Asian cat phone accessories @Hamee_World


One of my work colleagues just came back from Korea and as a present brought me this adorable headphone cat plug ! Apparently it is a big trend in Korea at the moment and you can get whole variety of cat accessories for your phone! The cat fixes to your phone through the headphone plug and it hold on quite well!

On this website, you can have a look at other cat headphone plugs available that even includes two cats!!

