
Cats just make everything better…


I know that it has been aaaaages since I gave you any news on Brucy and you will be happy to hear that she is doing well and is being naughty as always! To cheer you up on this Tuesday, I decided to introduce you to this lovely post  that collects together numerous photos of cats standing up. I mean, how cute are they?





Happy Easter from Brucy!

easter cat eggs

You may be wondering why you haven’t had any Brucy-news recently.. Well, as always, I have tones of work, so sadly, I have less time to give you daily news on Brucy’s adventures!

This weekend we celebrated Easter. Brucy spent most of her time chilling on the sun and occasionally trying to steal and eat Easter cakes. On Sunday, she decided to knock over a full cup of coffee on my bed and mattress – so Easter started off well!

Hope you all are well and also enjoyed the Easter weekend!

Charenza – shoes for cats


I am sure you’ve heard about Sarenza, the online shoe shop? Well for April Fools they launched the CUTEST website “Charenza” (word-play, as “Chat” means “Cat” in French), branded as the website that sells shoes for cats!! They even have different shoe categories – like shoes for kittens!

Sadly, this is only an April Fools joke but otherwise it would have been so cute!!

“Cats have satellite transmitters in their butts” claims #Buzzfeed!


I am massive fan of Buzzfeed, mostly because they love doing posts on cats, like this new one on: 15 Shocking Truths Behind What Your Cat Behaviours Actually Mean!

The idea is that if you think your cat is innocently rolling on its back or napping, it is actually plotting some evil plan to either scrath, bite or kill you!

Some hilarious examples include:


“Experts” say: Tail sniffing is normal between felines, and this is your cat’s way of saying hello to you.

The truth: Your cat just cleaned its butt and wants to show it off to you. Look at that sparkling clean butt and say, “Very nice butt, cat. Good job.”


“Experts” say: As kittens, cats will knead their mother’s stomach to produce milk, and this is most likely a leftover trait from kittenhood. It might also be an instinctual part of settling down to sleep.
The truth: Your cat saw an ad for baking classes in the local paper and wants to enroll. Write a check for $350 immediately.

More amazing facts here!


Adorable Asian cat phone accessories @Hamee_World


One of my work colleagues just came back from Korea and as a present brought me this adorable headphone cat plug ! Apparently it is a big trend in Korea at the moment and you can get whole variety of cat accessories for your phone! The cat fixes to your phone through the headphone plug and it hold on quite well!

On this website, you can have a look at other cat headphone plugs available that even includes two cats!!



How would you caption this photo?


I know that many of you bloggers love the “How would you caption this photo” posts. I never did one, but when I saw this cute photo on Catmoji, I just couldn’t resist. So are you ready for the bi question? How would you caption this photo? 😉

Brucy at the Oscars! #selfie


Brucy and I loooove the Oscars and Ellen, so we couldn’t miss this selfie chance!

Despite the joy of watching the Oscars – Brucy had quite a difficult weekend! Saturday morning she woke everyone up early because she was meowing really loudly and then started being sick. I immediately suspected that she ate something toxic but as she eats everything she finds in the house – it was difficult to say what exactly provoked the reaction! I hid all the plants, and after a while she started feeling better.

Sunday morning the mystery was solved! I saw her eat the flower bulb of a daffodil and then a few minutes later she started being sick again! I realized that daffodils are extremely poisonous for cats and his them away. . Poor thing – I wish I knew before!

So beware of daffodils and double check your plants are not toxic for cats before buying them!

The Cat Herders

Everyone at works knows about my passion for cats. Thus, now, every time someone sees an article, photo or a video about cat, they send it to me. Today one of my colleagues shared this amazing video with me. This commercial was filmed in 2006 by EDS to show how versatile their company is by making a comparison to cowboys herding cats! I love how well this ad is filmed that makes it so memorable! Some information on the ad:

Agency: Fallon, Minneapolis
Creative director: David Lubars
Art director: Dean Hanson
Copywriter: Greg Hahn
Executive producer: Judy Brink
Agency producer: Marty Wetherall
Director: John O’Hagan @ Hungry Man
Producer JD Davison
CGI: Sight Effects
Post producer: Bob Wendt
Editor: Gordon Carey @ Film Core
Sound and music: Margarita Mix de Santa Monica
Chief engineer: Jimmy Hite
Music: Asche & Spencer

Your thoughts? 🙂

Cat-man: the new online trend!


EVERYONE heard about the cat-beard online photo trend that started earlier this year. But forget that – the new cool thing is CAT-MAN, started by this Reddit fan. What do you think? Will you try this with your cat? 😉

Our first Pam & Sam award!!


If you don’t know about Sam & Pam’s Tuesday Teaser challenges – you must be living on another planet.  Brucy and I participated numerous times but they are always so hard, so we never won! This week, however, thanks to the power of Google – we managed to get it right! Moreover, we were the first ones! Which means, we get the honour to display this amazing Pam & Sam badge. We are really excited and don’t forget to participate in the game next week 😉