
The healing power of purrrrs! #tgif


This morning Brucy couldn’t stop purring while rolling on the floor and sniffing my shoes. Despite it looking a bit strange, I must admit that cat’s purring is one of the most comforting and relaxing sounds that I have ever heard.

As it is Friday and I am sure many of you had a long week, as the best Friday-relaxation-treatment I suggest you cuddle your cat and listen to her/him purr. And further amazing wonders that cat purring does can be found in this infographic:



Fabulous Friday cat-shopping!


It’s the end of the working week and everyone is thinking about the weekend! What will you be doing this weekend? I love shopping, so I know that I will be spending a large portion of my free time (and money)  shopping away! But the weather forecast is not looking amazing for the weekend ahead, so I might have to shop online.

For other shopaholics like myself – check out this online selection of fabulous cat things from Fab.com:

Modko designer cat litter box for 129€

Woop studios cat cotton print 76,25€

LoveThyBeast cat pyramid house for 22€

Leather cat-shaped desk organiser for 38€

Cat weekend fashion


What really annoys me is that are about a million websites that specialise in clothing for dogs, but there are just a few that do cat fashion. This week I did a post on a fashion line that does clothing for Spynx cats, and today I wanted to bring you some more cat-fashion! Pet co is one of the websites that doesn’t forget about cats and proposes a nice selection of fun costumes, like the ones on the photo above! I think Brucy would look splendid in the sushi outfit. The only problem is that she hates putting things on… Do you dress you cat? Share your cute photos! Happy weekend everyone!

Cat-Interview time!

cody blanket june 2013

I decided to start something new on my blog – the cat-interview section! Basically, those will be fun posts where we ask our cat-friends funny questions and share their answers! Our first honorary guest is Cody – from Cat Chat.

We asked:

Describe yourself in 4 words:

“Friendly, loving, cuddly, fearless”

What animal would you want to be in another life?

“Well, first, why would I EVER want to be anything OTHER than a CAT? I have nine lives so I don’t really want to think of being anything OTHER than a CAT!”

Sleeping on the bed or under the blanket?

“Under the blanket”

Chicken or tuna?

“Neither…RABBIT….I have allergies, but, that being said, the vet thinks they might be environmental allergies and if that is the case, bring on the CHICKEN!!”

What’s your favorite cat-quote?

“The one that is on my blog: “Always speak of the past, gratefully, of the future, excitedly, and of the present with bobbing eyebrows and a Cheshire grin” -The Universe”

If you could be any celebrity cat, who would you be?

“Grumpy Cat of course, he keeps it real, no sweetie, sweetie behavior and I like that! Plus, that guy is making the BIG BUCKS and I have looked “grumpy” due to have an “unusual” mouth for furever. Guess ya gotta be in the right place at the right time :)”

 What makes you purr?

“When my Mom and I “hold paws” when we watch TV”

Awww how cute are they?? Thank you so much Cody and Caren for bein the first Cat-interview participants! Would you like to be next? Let us know!!  And happy weekend everyone!

#TGIF cat shopping!



1. Mayan Laser “Caturday” red tote bag –from Etsy, €11.77

2. White Cats Print T-shirt – from SheInside, $23.11

3. “Evil Kitty Kat” tshirt – from SharpShirter, $24.00

4. mostlikely “DIY Shade Cat” – from FAB, €29.00

It’s finally Friday and that means many of you are getting ready for some weekend-shopping. We have selected for you some of the newest cat-inspired-must-haves to give you some shopping ideas!

I especially love the DIY cat lamp! You receive a paper print model that, following some easy gluing and folding, becomes this stunning lampshade!  Happy weekend everyone 🙂